Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Beats, Rhymes, and Life


That is not just the title to one dope Tribe Calles Quest Album but those things are the what I am all about. It's crazy lately what's been happening to me. When I think of it though, it is these very moments that are shaping who I am as a person and the assortment of lyrics and ideas coming to my head. A poem or a lyric for a song has always just appeared in my head as a thought, then I would brainstorm other words to connect to that original thought until I am forming sentences or stanzas. However, the way poems and lyrics come to me lately is quite different. I think maybe because I am focused on the strickly creating for the album. I'm always thinking of the beats I am using on this album and connecting the right verses to the right song. Sometimes I'll be thinking of ideas for one verse of one song and like 10 minutes later, I get an idea for a verse to a different beat. I am constantly going back in forth with these ideas in my head. It can be very fustrating sometimes especially when I am trying to capture all these different emotions and feelings as they come to me. But that's the gift and the curse of having these God given talents I guess. Recording and writing for the album is coming along quite well and I'll think will be able to get things done before the end of this month. My boy Jared aka Thunderbird Juicebox has told me he is still standing by to master the final mixes when I'm done. I have really wanted to get some songs on here since I last blogged about doing that, but I am not quite ready yet. I do apologize because I don't want to get people excited and then not deliver. Trust me when I do say though I will deliver with this project. I'm from the MD/DC area and we are supposed to be getting an ass load of snow this weekend. Like I'm talking a couple feet from what I hear. So I doubt I will be going to work next Monday or church Sunday. So with no where to go outside while being snowed in inside the house, I will have nothing but opportunity to write and wrap things up on this EP. I soon I get something I think worthy of posting, I'll put it up ASAP. I'm just such a perfectionist and I hate releasing something until its for sure the way I want it. I also am beginning to learn that while that is a good way to be, if you are going to be in the music industry where you have deadlines and stuff like that, you also have to be able to capture the record, get it done while being mindful of time. You have to have quality as well as be able to deliver your art in a timely manner. Stay tuned though cuz I have something special I know people will digg. Ya digg?

I have recently completed my taxes and all my returns were accepted by the government which is great because that means in about a week I'll be getting that good ol' refund. That refund is exactly what I need to help me move out in a couple of months, which is what I really need to do. After I get that, with a few more pay checks, I think I'll be ready to make that move. So let's all cross your fingers and hope that I can do it! I got to do it. That's all there is to it. I have no choice.

Other than all that everything has just been the same 'ol same 'ol. Until the next time, everyone be cool and I'll holla!! Peace

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