Wednesday, May 19, 2010

$ucce$$ feels so good!!!!!!

What's up folks. It's 1nce again your man D Natural back with another installment of da blog!! First of all I apologize for not blogging as often as I used to. I will start to do it more again as I tighten my schedule up because my life is getting to be very productive and very busy, which is a great thing!! Your man has been making moves!!! My faith, grind, hard work, and resilience is paying off. I have so much to update you guys on:

First, remember how I was in need of a new place to live bad? Well thanks to my grind, I have successfully found a room to rent that is very affordable and the owner of the house is a lovely woman. The house is right around the corner from where I grew up in Capitol Heights, MD. I am so excited. As I type this your man has the keys in his pocket and Im ready tp get the hell up from under my parents. I am going to rent a U-Haul truck on Friday, and should have about 90% of my stuff moved in 24 hours. I have already paid for the rest of this month, so u know I am ready to be outta my peeps joint!!! Ready to enjoy my new freedom!!! Of course I was looking to find own spot that %100 mines but I've decided to take baby steps and start out doing this. I see myself in 6 months to a year attempting the next step but for now I am happy with what I have. And more important Im finally from up under my parents and the rest of my family. Now I have to just deal with me and my business which will only increase grind, focus, and on the other hand lower my stress level....I love my room at this new spot and I have the biggest one in the house. The closet is big enough to build a small mic booth on one half of it, which I plan to do. Whew!!! That's one less thing I have to deal with now.

As for the music: Ive been making mad progress in getting my own material together as well as finding clientele to submit instrumentals to. As u can see from the previous post I made at the beginning of this month, I finally released my first single titled "Get Down" off of one of my upcoming solo releases, The Sigh of Relief EP!!! If you havent heard it yet, please feel free to check it out!! I am singin, rhyming and of course I produced the track! I have the link on the last post on here and also on my Facebook profile which you can get to from here as well...I have gotten positive feedback from folks who have heard it. It's been out for about 2 weeks now and last time I checked my Zshare account where I have it streaming on the net, it showed that I had gotten over 80 spins!!! So people have been definitely checkin it out. I am going to release the next single is a couple weeks or so. Right now I am focused on just getting beats to the people who I have come across by grinding and networking. One artist that is noteworthy of mentioning is fellow DC native, Emcee/Producer Kokayi, who might I add got nominated for a Grammy last year!!! :o) You know your boy it pretty excited, more like estatic, to have a opportunity to work with this cat. I've know about his music for awhile, first hearing him in high school on a record he recorded with his band Cosmic Dapp Theory that he was in then. He is really good at what he does!!! Check him out. He allowed me to e-mail him work for a record he is currently finishing. Lastnight I really believe I made the record he is gonna want!!! I'll soon post that beat on here for yall to hear too! So right now my focus is just making the tracks he needs and gathering all the beats I've already done in the past couple of months for my next beat CD which I have to send to a handful of artist on the come up like myself. All I gotta say is stay tuned!!!! I told you I wouldnt dissapoint! Please check out my Facebook page and send a request if you would like. Also follow your man on Twitter: ArtisticVisionz

I know I have more news to tell ya but that will do it for now. I'm gonna continue to grind and get mine out here. I hope yall are doing the same thing. Soon to come will be more music, of course, and pics and video of yours truly on the grind. It's been a hell of a journey these last couple of years but I'm startin to faintly see the light at the end of the road!!! Be on the look out for the next blog!!! Until this. Peace, love and ble$$ing$!!! over and out

D Natural

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