What's good world ? ! ? ! D-Natural comin atcha again with some updates ! As I type this, I'm in the computer lab here at my school on the last day of the semester . I'm getting some much needed work done ! This week has been a busy one as usual. But then again, you guys know by now that I STAY busy, so it aint nothin new 2 tell you all that . However I've been busy in all other areas except for working on my music . Today I'm wrapping up this Spring semester here at school . You see I don't take breaks and I'm going to school year round non-stop . I'm doing it that way so I can finish alot earlier, so that I may focus more on this music career of mines . I have alot on my plate as usual but I'm loving it ! I love to grind and see the positive results unfold in front of my eyes, knowing that no one did it but ME . I'll have break next week before the next semester begins. I'm going to use the break to continue working on my first album for the year, Poetic $oul . . It's on its way ! Just trying to get it nice and perfect for ya ! ! This week aside from school, I've been practicing and getting used to my new DSLR camera . I've decided to share some of my photos with you of this weeks grind . You will see more photos here from now on, as I intend to show you my journey through my life visually as well as musically and poetically . . After all, my company is called Artistic Visionz for a reason . . Time to start showing more of the artistic side of things visually . . Feel me ? You dig ?

The week kicked off Sunday with my church's 10th Anniversary service . Above is a photo of my pastor and his wife . She gave me a nice smile for this shot ! It was a great service and you know your man got it in on my drums ! I was told that we really were off the hook ! ! I try my best, I don't know how to do it any other way . . It was funny because one of the drummers from the other guest choirs, actually got up from the audience and went all the way around the auditorium to see me play when we was in the orchestra pit ! ! When he first got there and saw my set he looked like he wasn't impressed with my drums until he heard me actually play them ! ! Then he wanted to use my sticks instead of his and I was like naw son, these are my Tony Royster, Jr. (Google him) signature sticks and they are expensive so that wasn't happening ! ! All in all it was a great service and I always like to especially demonstrate my skills to the guest choirs that come through . .

(One of the guest choirs in action)
Fast forward a couple of days later, where I decided to head downtown with a good friend of mines to the Smithsonian so I can get more practice in with my new camera on a variety of subjects ! Not to mention this was also the first place I've been to for fun in several, several months, being as though I don't go out much for leisure . I know, crazy right ? ? I just prefer to be in the bat cave working on my material most of the time, especially now & days . . However, don't get me wrong, I do enjoy going out and acting like a normal person as well . . .
Well time to pack up and head out this computer lab, so I can go home and relax before I finish up the rest of this school work . . Until the next time, stay tuned for my long overdue 1st single "Guestlist" to kick off the summer . I promise the new material is worth the wait ! As always keep the faith and keep chasing your dreams . . Peace & Love
D-Natural , AVP