Friday, August 6, 2010

So much to do, so little time….

What’s up good people! It’s your man D Natural back with updates on this rollercoaster I’m on called life.

As you already know, your man is still grinding, getting it in, and chasing the dream!! I can say that more doors are opening for me and business is steadily coming in. However while all this is good, it can be a bit frustrating when you can’t devote as much of your time as you would like to getting business handled. It’s seems as though I want to constantly kick myself sometimes because even though I know it’s necessary to work my 9 to 5 day job to keep the bills paid, when you see even greater potential from your doing what you love, it makes you want to scream!!! What’s even crazier is when you realize the success that your business ventures can bring you has the potential of yielding more profits than you would ever receive on that 9 to 5 job. So I’m like damn I wish I can just leave this day job behind and do my music full time. The goal is to do exactly this sooner or later, but I can’t now. When you get home, open the mail, and see all these bills and debts you need to pay staring you in the face, you know you have to keep those other sources of income open just a wee bit longer. You have some businessman out there that would tell you to take the risk or “burn the ship” as my friend would say. Some would tell you to take the risk, concentrate and devote time to making your passion your profit. They would say have no fear, don’t worry about when the money is going to come in or whatever bad may happen and to just have faith. Now while I agree with this, I also agree that bills have to be paid. You can’t ignore the bills because what you owe will just get worse and put you more behind which will affect how you are doing you business in the future. These types of things put me in the bitter mood I am in right now as I type this. I’m sitting here at work, at my desk, around people that can get on my nerves, that are annoying, but I do what I have to do and I really don’t let them affect me. What does get me is when I see reactions from people to my music, my poetry, my songs, getting over 4500 plays of my current single “Get Down” in only 2 and a half months and I want to keep delivering these things but I am restricted as to when I can. When I look back over the last couple of months and see my progress as a musician, producer, businessman, I’m impressed with myself but at the same time I’m mad because I know I could have done even more to get even greater results. Believe me if I had some decent amount of loot saved up, I would just quit this day job because I’m confident enough I can make it into the industry in a certain amount of time. My current situation however, is not going to allow this. So how do I manage to get these kinds of results? I would say good time management, being able to do ALL you can when you can do it and just hustling like an immigrant. When I get little breaks at work, I’m on my BlackBerry networking, making moves, and so forth, and making calls. Even though I know they are watching our computer activity at work, I still take the risk and get my business handled online. I know its wrong and that I can get in trouble but I really haven’t yet. Plus I’m a valued employee where I am now as evident of a recent raise I got with a letter from the CEO saying that he is wholeheartedly satisfied with my work. While all this is great, and I’m happy with the progress I am making on the job, still burning in the back of my skull everyday is “ Dan, you are too talented, you are too gifted, you are too intelligent, you are too tough and humble not be more successful than you are…” I know you have to be patient and do what you have to do to maintain but it’s still very very frustrating. It’s like having all the ingredients to make a fantastic meal but no kitchen to prepare it in or no time to even cook the meal if you had the kitchen. However, you know that if people ate what you cooked and loved it, at the end of the day you will feel far more satisfied. Then you would be trying to feed the world. Well I’m trying to feed the world but then again I have to keep myself fed as well… It is what is it is.

$tay tuned more new music being release over the next few days. I also will be collaborating with my friend/producer Skyboy to work on a remix and some other material today and tomorrow. Then I have to work to continue to create some more material and to select the tracks that I am going to use for this upcoming beat battle for Also I am getting some stuff together for an artist and record label out of Baltimore. I’m debating whether or not to purchase this equipment to upgrade my home studio just a little bit, but what the hell you got to invest for success so I think I might go head and do it! What else…Be on the lookout for my second single “Guestlist”!! It’s long overdue I know, but it will be worth the wait, trust me!! I’m also going to try to get a music video done for that as well. As always I’ll keep ya posted. Shoutout to everyone that has been checking my blog out. I know there have been people viewing because the number plays for my music widget on here have been steadily rising!! Please comment on anything and everything!! Ask me anything!!

Until the next time, keep the faith, live your life to the fullest and don’t sweat the small stuff! One Love.

D Natural

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